The Stakes to Teenage Pregnancy; Be Aware Before It’s Late

Teenage Pregnancy is a pregnancy in females below the age of 20. There is a higher risk of health problems for pregnant teens and their babies. "The younger the mother, the higher the risk to have complications for both the mother and the baby." Health Risk to Mother - Pregnancy-related high blood pressure (gestational hypertension) - Anemia (low level of iron in the...

Everyone is Prone to Diabetes; Check if You Have Higher Risks

Diabetes is a condition in which your blood glucose levels are too high. Glucose is a simple sugar you get from the food you eat and your body utilize it for energy. Your body processes the food you eat into glucose and your blood carries glucose (blood sugar) to all of your cells in your body to use it for...

Save Your Life From Being Sleep-Deprived; Read These Sleeping Tips

Sleep plays a crucial part in your physical health. How you perform your daily activities, also depends on what happens while you’re sleeping. If you have a poor quality sleep, you will be having a hard time going through the day. It would be very difficult to comprehend simple tasks or make up straightforward decisions. Studies show that a...

Red, Itchy, and Scaly Patch on Your Skin; Get to Know The Types of Ringworm

Ringworm is a common skin disorder that can be seen as scaly, red, round patches on the skin caused by fungus. In medical term, it is widely known as “tinea”. It is present mostly in congested, filthy places and warm and moist climates, because it can survive both on skin and surfaces such as in comfort rooms, shower rooms,...

Itchy Scalp? It Might Be This Small Parasite

Head lice are very much common especially to preschoolers, school age and even to teenagers and early adults. They are parasites, wingless insects found on people’s head to feed themselves by sucking blood. An adult louse size can be compared to a sesame seed. The eggs are called nits and even smaller, can be compared as small as a...

Don’t Skip Eating Fiber; Be Amazed with Its Power

You might hear a lot of women mostly saying they are on a diet. The question is, “Are they on a proper diet”? We used to believe that whenever we cut a portion of our usual consumption, then we are doing the right kind of diet. Well, the world got a hundred lists of diet options, but are you...

Conscious About Weight? Check if You Have These Eating Disorders

Eating disorder is a serious, abnormal eating habit that critically impacts a person’s physical and mental health. It is characterized by obsession and preoccupation with food and weight. They tend to pay attention on very few things other than the amount of food they eat, their weight after eating, and how they look like to others. Eating disorder is often...

These Common Symptoms Can Mean You Have HIV Infection

Recent news reports show that the number of cases of HIV infections is on the rise. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus causes HIV infection and overtime can be Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This disease affects the immune system, and sadly it still has no cure. However, one can have a near-normal life expectancy if they start treatment before their immune system...

Detect Your Anxiety; Cope With It Before It Gets Worst

Whenever you encountered something stressful, anxiety comes in. Anxiety is a normal response in an attempt to increase the body’s level of awareness and reaction. A body’s way to relay that there is something which made you feel in tension.  However, a person with anxiety disorder tends to be anxious easily, more often than what is reasonable over small...

Boost Your Self-esteem; Stay Free from Acne

Acne is a skin condition that usually occurs at puberty stage. Acne is a long term skin disease usually referred as chronic, inflammatory because it won’t just be healed totally by any medication though it subsides, temporarily. During increased shedding of dead skin cells plus the increased flow of sebaceous glands in the dermis, it can cause the sebum...